Thursday, October 25, 2007

Queenly quote

The "Queen of Clean" Linda Cobb, upon being asked what household duties should be done daily:

There are only two things I do every day: feed the cat, and kiss the King.

A few years back, I borrowed a friend's copy of Linda Cobb's book on housecleaning. I have forgotten most of the advice, but I remember this quote. I can't quite put my finger on why I like it so much, but it makes me smile. Probably because I can picture the interviewer expecting to hear that at the end of each day, the kitchen sink should be spotless, the day's laundry should be folded, and everything should get a good dusting... and the answer defies that image.

1 comment:

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Love it, and follow it, although I have no cat at the moment.